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Please join us for a morning Risk Manager Roundtable. This forum is your opportunity to discuss the topics that matter most to you with your peers in a closed session.

Event attendance is restricted to current risk managers or those with similar job descriptions, the RIMS WA Board reserves the right to review attendees.

This is a group discussion event and participation from all attendees is strongly requested. These are open topic sessions, and we welcome your contribution to the discussion topics. Additionally, RIMS Washington Chapter has generated three areas for discussion.

  • Strategic Decision Making – how can risk managers be more proactive than reactive? What is the impact you’ve seen on your organization? How do we effectively train staff on how to report incidents? Challenge – incidents that turn into claims and too much time has passed to get witness statements, photos, video.
  • Anticipating Claims and Training Employees on Potential Claims/ Recording Incidents
  • Claims and Property Damage playbook – what are issues and opportunities with property claims.

Event Moderators:

  • Allison Frey, senior risk manager – Starbucks Corporation
  • Kristine Costanza, Senior Manager Risk & Compliance – NorthStar Energy


  • RIMS WA Chapter Risk Manager Members: no charge
  • Risk Manager Non-Members: no charge

Are you unsure if you are a member of the RIMS WA Chapter or want to become one? Please reach out to: membership@warims.org